# Tools and Self Hosted | webally.co.za

Published 2022-03-07
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  00101110  01000011  01010010  01001111  01001110  01101010  01100101  00101110  01001101  01000101                                                                            

For some usages and uncommon command for software lie GIT etc, I created the following usages section.

I realized that I'm constantly trying to remember some server name or some port number or URL. Also working with the file system in the terminal is not always the nicest experience. Also accessing MySQL in the terminal is a waste of time. Managing Docker containers also gets old fast. To get past all of these frustrations I found a collection of tools that makes everything quick to access and for new users this will make a big difference.

# Communication

# Android

# Automation

# Animation, programmatic

# Dashboards

# Document Management

# Database Management

# Development

# RStudio IDE

# Facial Recognition

# File Management

# ERP / Task / Team Management

# Performance

# Password Managers

# System Tools

# Security

# Reporting

# URL Shortners

# Misc

# Photo Gallery & Images

# Video / Music Encoding