# Daptin

A modern backend for application developers and testers in the mobile era.

Daptin is an open-source backend development framework to develop and deploy production-ready JSON API based applications. With Daptin you can design your data model and have a production ready JSON API online in minutes.

By following shared conventions, you can increase productivity, take advantage of generalized tooling, and focus on what matters: your application.

Easily consume the following features on any device

  • Relations databased backed persistent data exposed as a JSON API
  • User registration and login API
  • Social login with oauth2: tested with google, github, linkedin
  • Special State management APIs
  • Install API Package from Market place selectively enabling a variety of features
  • Sync with cloud storage services like gdrive, dropbox, b2, s3 and more
  • Manage multiple static websites under separate sub-domain/sub-paths
  • Connect with other services by directly connecting with any external API
  • Database to easily evolves your data schema & migrates your database [Postgres/MySQL/SQLite]
  • Flexible auth using the JWT-based authentication & permission system
  • Works with all frontend frameworks like React, Vue.js, Angular, Android, iOS
  • Very low memory requirement and horizontally scalable
  • Can be deployed on a wide range of hardware arm5,arm6,arm7,arm64,mips,mips64,mips64le,mipsle (or build for your target using go)

# Deploy and get started

Deployment preference Getting started
Heroku Deploy
Docker docker run -p 8080:8080 daptin/daptin
Kubernetes Service & Deployment YAML
Local go get github.com/daptin/daptin
Linux (386/amd64/arm5,6,7) Download static linux builds
Windows go get github.com/daptin/daptin
OS X go get github.com/daptin/daptin
Load testing Docker compose
Raspberry Pi Linux arm 7 static build
