Jasper ReportServer
Before installing any package it is recommended that you update the packages and repository using the following command.
yum -y update
Manual Install
- Install Java
- Other Java Web / Application Servers
- Install Tomcat Server
- Install PostgreSQL
- Install ReportServer
- Create Docker Image
- Other Install options
- Supported Tech
- Install Should Resemble
- Edit Config Files
- Restart Server with Dependencies
- Sign-In to ReportServer
- Troubleshooting
- Dr. Jaspersoft - Installing the war file distribution
- Jaspersoft Server for Containers
- Jaspersoft Server for AWS
- More help can be found with the Jasper Community
- Youtube Install Guide
Reporting Tips
- JasperQL - A New Query Language For Domain-Based Reports
- Visualize.js: An Introduction
- Visualize.js: Embedding a Data Visualization or Report
- Visualize.js: Embedding a Report with Parameters
- How to Build Jaspersoft Dashboards from Impala (Hadoop)
- Jaspersoft Studio - Create Connection With Mysql
Customizing Jasper Report Server
The system is open source and there is a big community of developers out there adding new features. Before editing the system itself, first have a look at the xml files. The xml files have a lot of settings that can be adjusted. Also the JavaScript files are minified but the un-minified versions are there as well.
- Mostly config files
- Can affect the UI
- Require server restart to take affect
- JavaScript / html
- Mostly for UI Changes
- Customizing the JavaScript