# Jasper ReportServer

Before installing any package it is recommended that you update the packages and repository using the following command.

yum -y update

# Manual Install

  1. Install Java
  2. Other Java Web / Application Servers
  3. Install Tomcat Server
  4. Install PostgreSQL
  5. Install ReportServer
  6. Create Docker Image
  7. Other Install options
  8. Supported Tech
  9. Install Should Resemble
  10. Edit Config Files
  11. Restart Server with Dependencies
  12. Sign-In to ReportServer
  13. Troubleshooting

# Reporting Tips

# Customizing Jasper Report Server

The system is open source and there is a big community of developers out there adding new features. Before editing the system itself, first have a look at the xml files. The xml files have a lot of settings that can be adjusted. Also the JavaScript files are minified but the un-minified versions are there as well.

  • XML
    • Mostly config files
    • Can affect the UI
    • Require server restart to take affect
  • JavaScript / html