# Rive - The new standard for interactive graphics

# Blazing fast. Tiny size. Runs everywhere.

# Build captivating interactive moments

Make your products more engaging and bring joy back to the development process. Rive makes it easy to deliver delightful experiences while making it a breeze for designers and developers to work together.

# Pull-to-refresh

Create pull-to-refresh animations that work on iOS, Android, Flutter, React Native, and more.

# Hero animations

Make websites and apps more engaging with interactive illustrations.

# Interactive forms

Make a signup experience playful with animations that respond to forms.

# Interactive components

Design functional components that are ready to ship.

# Game UI & HUDs

Create animated interactive UI elements for games and heads-up displays.

# Animated emojis

Animated emojis help us convey our human emotions across our digital channels.

# Animated buttons

Design animated buttons that are ready to ship.

# Error messages

Make error messages fun with interactive motion graphics.

# Animated icons

Easily create animated icons that respond to interactions.

# Celebratory moments

Reward users when they successfully complete a task.

# Empty states

Add delight to empty states of your app or error pages.

# Educational graphics

Make it easy to learn complex topics with educational graphics.

# Animated logos

Make your brand stand out with motion.

# Animated mascots

Bring brands to life with interactive characters.

# Game Menus

Make your game menus shine with interactive animation.

# Characters

Create characters for games, websites, and products.

# Game props

Create animated sets and props for games.

# Toggle buttons

Easily build unique animated design components.

# Star rating

Build rating systems that stand out from basic defaults.

# Loaders

Motion makes loading moments informative.

# Animated avatars

Use animation to make avatars feel alive.

# Data visualization

Improve storytelling with animated charts and graphs.

# Animated stickers

Create animated sticker packs for popular apps like Telegram.

# Onboarding screens

Make onboarding moments more engaging with interactive animations.

# macOS menu icons

Make native apps stand out with animated graphics.

# macOS dock icons

Make native apps stand out with animated graphics.

# Micro-interactions

Add delight to products with micro-interactions.

# Animated illustrations

Animate vector and raster illustrations.

# Vehicle UI

Create functional car dashboard graphics.

# Lip-synched graphics

Use Rive's event system to sync audio to graphics.

# Interactive FUI

Build functional futuristic user interfaces (FUI).

Start building beautiful interactive graphics

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